this one shouldnt be to hard [IMG]
I don't shoot a lot of does but with the kid due mid season I don't know how much I'll get to hunt later so while at the camp this weekend snuck...
Have only gotten to hunt the one weekend but am gonna get after em this weekend a little. Mainly work on the camp and get some stuff brought up...
well she charges our insurance for regular visits, delivery etc.....just meant she wasn't gonna charge for that one little after hours drop in....
its def my favorite but even with that I dont really drink it. Give most of it away and the wife drinks it. I might drink a bottle total just...
I am not advocating for Miles to go or stay with this at all in any way and I am not singling you out halloween this is just the post I quoted as...
Ive got an old can opener that looks similar to that. not exactly so prob not but pretty dern close.
Only made the 5 gallons of blueberry this year but it'll have to be enough. Been watchin it and looked like it's stopped working so bottled it...
Knew that was gonna happen
Another pic of this one for size reference. She's about 5-10 so fair sized one. Think this one is the biggest of them so hasn't been any huge...
I'm not even sure on how many this is now. I give up trying to keep count. Sis-n-law killed this one today in their yard across the field from...
forgot to mention just about all of them were fat with white roe. Only a few had yellow roe which is good for us since we like the white roe...
i won an atari out of a box of captain crunch cereal when I was about 8. Thats the only video game I ever had. Played frogger and pitfall a few...
Been craving some bacon lately so had take the bet and go get a box this morning. Didn't take to fill a 120qt bout 3/4s up. [IMG]
I thought Spurrier was actually 3-1 against him?
Ha case in point. Just as I finished typing that he pulled a stunt. We have number 3 due in January so the wife has been sorting baby clothes...
Don't let that little sucker fool you. He is stubborn and buck wild as they come. Happiest kid I've ever seen and sweet as can be but he's gonna...
Didn't really plan on fishing this weekend but my boy did good in school all week and won an award so he was wanting to go so of course we went....
It wont be opening day but we will be there in the first week or 2 of it. Likely a sunday afternoon cheap tickets show.
Only pic I have from then think this is a 2 days limit mostly calico on the string. Pic of a pic so it sucks but it's all I can find [IMG]