Re: I think we stop the arms going to our enemies, or potential I agree - we have to stop it. But hopefully, sometime, we'll think about the...
Re: Mary L won because she succesfully distanced herself It's the 17% that is the big stuff; considering that most votes are about 90-10, and...
Re: Them damn Republicans.
Re: Tom, we just don't want those scuds shooting at Damn straight, Stan. Trouble is when we have supported copious amounts of arms sales in...
Re: Re: Lott is admitting to one mistake when he really means another The party that started the civil war? Trouble is, the remnants are now...
What do you mean by Texas will beat us to the punch? And Who's statement about ripping the project out of La's hands and into Texas?' Is it a...
Welfare? Nah, Bush's friends (and Bush himself) are the biggest recipients of welfare. Majority Leader Lott tells us why: "I want to say this...
Gimme a break... "The reality of the situation is Louisiana Catholics voted their wllets ahead of their conscience" No, what it proves is that...