YOu're right; however, where is our intelligence? Shouldn't they hbe able to lead the inspectors to a little something if Sadaam has been...
Well, I only work 9 months a year (could do summer but the pay is terrible terrible) and get 4 weeks at Christmas; I'm not complaining. I could...
I totally agree - they are not. I don't need to say any more about the republicans but this business of the democrats giving more tax credits to...
That guy shouldn't have been pardoned (was he in for tax evasion, though?). I wouldn't pardon mass murderers to get the cubn vote either,...
Nobody is soaking the rich. Their top bracket is 33% per the bush plan; the bracket for the 50K earner is 25%. That 25% on 50K is a lot of...
I don't have a specific definition but just for argument, over 500K a year. Come on - do you seriously suggest that businesses and people with...
an across the board tax cut - all brackets get 5% off. Bush didn't do it, dems don't do it, and bush won't do it in round 2. Last time, bush...
How many of those right wing freedom hating pillars on the list served?
You're the only one who hates America on this forum. Everyo policy you advance is anti-freedom and pro-greed and pro-cowardice you racist as%hole
Re: Re: Biggles has said most that needs to be said but I applaud you for being a viet nam vet. However, before you call anyone a coward, you...
YOu're a constitutionalist? You LOATHE the constitution and believe in tyranny. These people are your pillars? Let's see, draft dodging...
Then the Saint's a lefty because you hate freedom, hate capitalism, but believe in helsmley/confederate economics by which workers finance this...
Re: Twho.... That was before George Bush I sold him weapons. Iraq is a serious problem however. I'm not going to bash them for this. I...
Oh, FWIW, the draft is a terrible idea
The same thing that would have happened to the entire republican leadership, talking heads, including the great coward limbaugh himself. The...
Ole Miss won Auburn beat a good team Texas is better than LSU Michigan is better than Florida Tenn (and Florida) were way down and didn't do...
no they aren't for real, they are insane.
season. But the one positive that comes from its end is that I won't have to listen to the Cox Cable promotion in which Dennis Dunn wishes...
More proof that the wacko right wing in this country loathes the constitution, the principles of America - most especially, they loathe freedom....
about your Canal Street dating service - this is what I hear about why the names aren't revealed. Much of the business wasn't prostitution, but...