A couple of corrections (IMO) - France deserves solid credit for the Revolution - their intervention convinced Cornwallis surrender to a large...
The thing is, bush and powell are basically right. Inspections are a farce - inspectors should be like auditors, not private eyes; show them the...
IVV - I will, and have informed TM and HR of such; just don't know when. Need to settle down. As you can tell from my tirade last night, if...
And reprints of Mary Shelley classics will quickly become #1 on the NYT list.
Provided a)you have a plan to set up elections and a SECULAR constitution (not some eliot "the butcher" abrams inspired dictator, please); b)your...
IVV, who's still around besides teach over there?
I'll answer my own question. ME I will pay for all of bush's fun and games with the purse strings because he has deemed me unworthy of a tax cut.
I love them to (well, I would, if he would give them to everyone, not just special interests to serve his sense of social darwinism). But, who's...
Who said that anyone trusts sadaam. If anyone in the gov't said we have hard, direct evidence, then I missed it. From what I've read, they don't...
That's all circumstantial evidence - nothing wrong with that, it's good evidence. But some direct evidence would be nice politically. But I...
Of course, while Bert Jones was a stud pro and college QB, he did platoon for a long time at lsu. Most major college schools didn't pass much...
Re: perquoet came from..... I believe parquet enrolled at memphis. he wasn't that highly regarded anyway.
The same war the guys who killed the canadians were in - NONE.
by the Dallas Cowboy? Two counts of negligent manslaughter for accidetal deaths.
Yes those are many of the reasons, but trickle down is supposed to be a huge job creating machine in its own right as well as a wealth creating...
Re: Re: To occupy... Yes but he did invade a country and he;s probably financing terrorists, although I'd like to see a glimpse of some of...
"The Senate this week will take up a measure allowing former Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., to keep his taxpayer-subsidized car and...
requires groundtroops. And if the Iraquis fight like the devil, that will take a long, long time and be pretty bloody. I hope our intelligence...
Maybe this was part of the deal for lott to resign. The fact that lott was his sponsor, makes it all the more curious, save some sort of deal....
Bush overplayed his hand, just like the rnc did in the senatorial race in la. Pickering has no chance. There are many fine judges out there -...