Then we have no basis to be over there other than to get rid of the WMDs. And that should be our singular focus. It would make no sense to say...
If you do that, you go against one of the basic theses of the war: regime change, liberate iraq and no argument against the iraqui people (and we...
The manipulator and brain behind the Fix Six for the Breeders Cup gets a whole year - no, excuse me - a year and a day - for conspiring to steal...
Damn right I am - I love freedom - you LOATHE IT. I've never said a damn thing about guns or the second amendment or ever suggested that...
You mean that amendment that says "the people"???????? Not the government, certainly not state government but THE PEOPLE? The right wing erased...
Ashcroft excepted (he's a nut) I figured that most dems and repubs went along with this realistically as a temporary measure to be repealed when...
If you can confiscate liberty of people by putting them in prison; if you can confiscate all future wages because of a civil judgment; then I...
Re: Apology from Natalie Maines The right wing thinks it's okay to disrespect a president; just not a conservative one. Sort of like...
I can't agree with you there. Full confiscation of the loot is NOT sufficient- confiscation of all of their assets plus most of future earnings...
And let me add, a life sentence for Skilling would be insane. He deserves to be bankrupted and serve 5-10 or so in a Federal Pen (unless he did...
These are slam dunks. Just ask Arthur Andersen.
How is that bush justice department coming along with the prosecutions of the thieves that stole billions and fleeced shareholders out of their...
And a shopping mall is not "private property" in the same sense that your home is "private property"
Of all the bad guys, why Sadaam? Why not Saudi Arabia when there is PROOF that a lot of their big money was directly involved in 9/11.
That's not exactly accurate when the property owner invites the public in to engage in commercial activities
That's interesting - why, then, do you have respect for trash like hyde, limbo, gunkrich and the rest of the republicans, none of whom served and...
The true patriot is one who has the courage to send black people to war --->that is the message of the far right wing freedom haters in this country.
Once again, the voice of the far right is that if you don't agree with their god, George Bush, then you are unamerican. That's why and how they...
As Mr Wonderful's hero, Michael Jackson, sang" I'll be there."
Hey IVV, How are those enron prosecutions coming along? LOL