it was nice to see LSU get some rec JV is going to be huge for LSU next game and for the next 3 years.....
they beat a no body PAC 10 team with no conf champ game.. LSU is far better
LSU this season is very special... This is the best group yet and I think it gets better...someone send me a SECCG shirt
This is the most fun I have had all year.. LSU is going to catch on like the flu... I have everyone around me asking about LSU;.........The time...
LSU will beat UGA in athens in 04 deal with it
Trev sucks LSU will get many no 1 votes
The LSU luck ran out ..... and ran right over UGA
This time I hope ELi wont fall down
LSU would beat USC or OU it does not matter
trev is still a puke no matter what he does or says
they are out..... see ya later ut
this is the best LSU team ever....and that means NC
OU will not fall far.. LSU should get many no 1 votes. I think it will still be OU LSU
UGA should have watched the game FLA was the East Champ. GEAUX SEC win the NC
good luck tigers they belong in the national champ game, I was getting selfish and wanted a Fiesta bowl so I could see them again but they should...
LSU looked to be the one to eat USC beat no body
LSU looked like the best team in college football bar none
LSU must win and I hope by a large margin
are you serious. I watched most the game I missed that. Anyone in LA take a LSU flag to the USC game
JB would want the Tigers to win the whole show. Jeff keep the boys strong