Simms, etc,etc..............
UT has lost every big game it has been in.... they have been ranked very high with very few results....sorry if ther was ever an over rated team...
have a good time... They deserve a grand welcome
MICH will beat USC
look at Neb. just winning is not enough
Neither do I... but I feel LSU putting a beat down on UGA will sway many voters.. we will see
LSU should win the NC. Geaux SEC bama zone have a great holiday
failing to plan is a plan to fail.... drink up einjoy then eat some good food then we will all watch the selection show.....LSU NO 1
margin of victory was in........LSU NO 1
LSU no 1
dude it could have been very ugly thank god Nick is our guy he is the best coach in the none
USC beat a bad OSU .....LSU beat a #5 UGA team in a champ game not a reg season game.. It would be outlandish for LSU not to get a chance to play...
Good luck UGA.... I know we are all wanting a SEC team to win a NC thank God LSU is in the hunt.. UGA win your bowl big
LSU should be no 1
wait mack will be looking for a job soon
I think I drank a bottle of crown.... no carbs..LSU is the greatest
drink up and enjoy.... LSU will win any bowl game they play then we all drink up again,......Crown is carb free
The UGA folks left early they should be at home or at a hotel.... trying to forget they got punked......LSU won both games UGA just deal with...
I agree this has been great and with a NC on the line it only gets better
that USC stadium holds about 100k, they are no 2 and cant fill but 80k USC fans are horrible thank god for LSU fans