"Good job, Gary!"
I was at the hall of fame induction last night for LSU and listening to the old football guys talk, they said Tulane and LSU talk more smack to...
I've seen. Nothing new in this conference.
yeah ok, and al gore didn't invent the internet and pants? :thumb:
true story...Ohio State is a good example.
sorry, when i said "by the band" i meant in that area....damn my dialect.
Maybe the band should play one song, over and over again, just like USC. Seriously though. I think this whole debate has been blown out of...
I'm sure we'll have plenty of those this week. Hopefully it sends a message. I hope this is the first and only case.
the student section is known for getting rowdy but far as dropping the f-bomb in a chant, that's uncharacteristic. however, Spurrior and LSU have...
Remember this, we didn't look sharp at all yesterday in my opinion. It wasn't as flashy as our other games. I still think we're the best, but I...
I thought it was embarrassing but it lasted for about a minute...i have seen worse
As long as we end up in the NC game at the end of the year, I don't care who's ranked what because in the end, it's what you prove on the field...
True story.
Ramming into cars is all the rage...RAGE!!! seriously though, guilty or not. Kick him off the team for making them look bad much less committing...
yeah, I can dream can't I.
Hope this is true! http://www.sportsline.com/cbssports/schedules/page/collegefootball
OU is a little overrated IMO, and by a little, I mean a lot.
he seems bitter. that maybe the reason he ran the score up on us so many times.
I think it has shaped up to be a really big game for LSU. How many ranked teams will we end up playing this year?
South Carolina, Florida, and Alabama are becoming bigger games by the minute.