oregon needs to win, Cal, USC, and michigan need to lose
It's old but, still funny. http://youtube.com/watch?v=DII65gLPF88
nice, thats the way you handle it.
which in turn, will spread the seeds even further
we have our own hate shirt like USC has FUSC.... and it's no bama fan either. http://sportscrack.com/tees_lsucks.html it's on a, what appears...
and there's the jinx
lesson to be learned here: Never park near Derrick Odom
Miles has done more with Saban's players than Saban could do himself....
YES! LSU has it's Stormin' Mormon!
i for one, plan to rape and pillage.
old navy guy giving props to louisiana people...first call
Re: Team KATT is turning 10 years Old!!!! stripper clown?
Mauck is playing intramural football for the University of Colorado School of Dentistry. He starts at QB [IMG]
so this is a research project then?
I admit, tOSU will forever trump LSU in riots. Yall are pro's in that aspect.:hihi:
gary danielson bleeds for a week after he cuts himself shaving? he needs a new razor
that was a solid run
you see the crap we have to put up with with these refs
that was wacky