Without all that stuff the stands would have looked empty. The old AFL had few fans in the early years.
Music sharing is never going away. The RIAA can fight it all they want but they are spitting in the wind. Canada has an interesting model where...
I gotta agree with Nootch here. That's a lame azz move by our athletic department to drop the green puke for McNeese. Dont understand the thinking...
Bottom line...you never know and its all speculation at best. Be happy to have him, wont lose any sleep if he goes somewhere else.
Gotta give LaSalle props because he predicted Miami to do well. I thought they would definitely lose their first 2 games but they are laying an...
Exactly right. Most people play music because they enjoy it. The business side of music is a filthy affair and no matter how talented you are it...
I think Gruden was excellent. He disagreed with Jaws on if NE should kick onsides. When they didnt and NE recovered the fumble I think I heard him...
I agree. They were terrible. Hope they dont return. Some of Youngs comments about JR were dead on but he is mr negative on all things QB. Sounds...
Key word being "unofficial". I am an official dual citizen because I was naturalized as a minor (with my parents) and was too young to legally...
Im actually a dual citizen. Born in Canada but naturalized in the US. I dont believe you can have that designation anymore. Pretty sure it was...
The internet has made leaving Louisiana a non issue for LSU unless you are addicted to attending games. The thing I miss the most is the food!...
I dont know if Jones is complaining or not. I need to plant a poison pill through the company email and see if I can get some reaction. :hihi:...
I only lived in Louisiana for 16 years, wasnt born there and left relatively young. I still consider it home even though I havent lived there in...
Direct funding to ACORN itself is not the big issue. On the housing front they act like a mortgage broker by consulting and helping assemble loan...
That would be interesting but is eliminating a regulatory body going to save enough money to expand medicaid? Im not seeing it off the top of my...
Which means services are cut. Obama made the statement a long time ago that difficult decisions would have to be made. This is one of them....
98 pages is going to take a while to digest. However, there is a glaring contradiction that makes me skeptical. Tell me how you expand...
Georgia Tech Clemson Virginia Tech Iowa BYU Auburn Arkansas Pittsburgh Bowling Green Connecticut Oregon St Troy
Damn, infidel poser been here 8 years. :rolleye33:
Got ya. I dont think their bubble will burst though. Too many good recruiters on that staff. The team is badly lacking talent so early playing...