As a fan, these books are great. But that's just it - they are called "media guides" to be used by the media to better understand the school and...
Well personally I don't really care how much money a school chooses to spend. And as much as I don't care for thing the NCAA does often times,...
As a former Sports Information Director, the NCAA could have stopped this whole shenanigans a long time ago by setting regulations on media guides...
Yep, it's amazing how times have changed. Woody punches a football player who's a LB with a ton of pads and helmet on, does no damage whatsoever,...
How young are you? The reason I ask is because you obviously have not heard of Woody Hayes, the Ohio State University Hall of Fame coach. Hayes is...
Both of your posts are hilarious.
Yep we now know why six guys were only talking to themselves in a bar at closing time. The two females - one a blonde with big jugs - gets herself...
I just can't wait till the season when the train wreck that is Ed Orgeron will happen, and when it does it'll be all over the sports media. He'll...
Blanton resigned because he knew he was going to be implicated in this. Richards the football assistant was fired and the academic adviser left...
Division I-AA doesn't offer the same amount of scholarships as D-I. So it's only a loss of like 5 scholarships from 65 to 60, but many D-IAA...
Well the bottom line is, Ricky had a major lapse of integrity. He chose to be a part of something he knew to be illegal and will pay the price for...
Col Reb - it's not just Orgeron's past that you have to wonder about. It's the stuff that's happened since he's been at Ole Miss, just the sheer...
I've worked with Ed "Bebe" Orgeron and how this guy got a head coaching job in the SEC is beyond my belief. Even if all the reports of him having...
I also remember the A&M AD, i think the previous one, stating that he didn't want to play LSU anymore because he didn't want to have the Tigers...
Might be a good idea. Both Dirks and Smith have been very impressive. Smith has just been incredible, so holding Lane till Sunday might be a good...
Well the way he's struggling right now it would take a big turnaround for him to do it. He's just not fooling anyone and his velocity and control...
Ideally I'd love to see LSU play Tulane and Rice every year for two cupcake games. Then play a BIG game like Arizona State, Notre Dame, Texas A&M,...
don't you mean vermilion and white?
It was tongue-in-cheek humor. Everytime some entity forms to try and settle the National Champion in football it gets mucked up and it doubt we'll...
locoguano - Geez louise...that's just awful, heresey, sacrilege...please don't ever, ever do something that horrendous again! I now will go and...