he has pink visiting locker rooms, that's gotta count for something. i shoulda put ferentz on my list too but i think iowa is a difficult place...
it's a wonderful life. or the porn version: tits a wonderful life. "oh the weather outside is weather...."
xmas vacation (which sucks cuz i was gonna quote that) "9 million terrorists in the world and i gotta kill the one with smaller feet than my...
of your group without blinking an eye i would take miles over groh (really??!), grobe, pinkel, riley, neu, spurrier (now, not in the 90's),...
not saying he's not a great player, but not heisman worthy this year. if they weren't going to give it to suh, then the heisman needs to be like...
well i hope he goes the way of jason white and matt leinart.
1)suh 2) gerhart 3)mccoy 4) ingram 5) tebow so is gino toretta a worse heisman winner or ingram.....discuss.
that's because that part is about why not to watch. (roasting chestnuts instead:wink:)
like how crowton is a better OC than a QB coach :hihi: but maybe you're right. still keeping coach stud is a bad move. hope my last post is wrong.
i don't know how reliable this is but according to ruffin rodrigue on ott's show just now, stud was offered the OC job by porter and turned it...
even as the HC at memphis, porter is still making us better.:thumb: praying this is true.
both are different from miles at oxford. the AU thing was really on flynn and the offense for taking soooo long to get lined up. of the three...
tough one, surely you jest- old school "You know who else I like that didn't get much play? Velma from Scooby-Doo. She was cool. She was a...
FindTheUnknownWhoDat.com :: Dedicated to the Greatest Living Saints Fan!
c'mon we know miles pulls out all the stops. he calls fake punts just cuz he's getting itchy. joe pa is toast.
chris houston possibly? i didn't realize that in addition to turner and ryan that mcclure might be out as well as wr's michael jenkins and roddy...
someone posted this on their FB and i commented that i almost forgot that there were parts of La. like that. makes me embarrassed and sad a little.
Re: RB Jakhari Gore COMMITS TO LSU!!!! love his cuts and vision.
he very well may still get a shot at playing QB, but he's not going to supplant someone with more experience than him. did we promise he would be...
falcons D steps up but the O doesn't Saints 27 Falcons 14