You have to admit that cassidy does seem immensely unlikeable.
Lots of people die yeah, I agree. Even as a guy my parents told me the same.
I guess the thing is that some of my white friends and I have to shut up and comply too. I know white guys in high school that got mouthy with...
Wow, I'm surprised by this. Didn't think he would decommit. I thought if he flipped, he would just flip at the end. Apparently he's gotten over...
He's gone guys. It's clear he's expressed that to the coaches as they've turned up the heat on other prospects.
We definitely agree on that. And I'm not saying they should be prosecuted. I really don't know and frankly, I don't have the time to research...
Do you think they were trying to kill him?
Why did he shoot a dead man?
I think he already said he wasn't signing one with anyone else. We were already a long shot so that pretty much seals it. Like I said, good for...
He seems like a good kid. Good for him. ND is a great school.
Mike Riley ensures mediocrity for the foreseeable future for Nebraska. He's tremendously overrated.
Yeah, the way they rolled up on him was insane.
His chief told him his first call was going to be to a dark alley where he would be executed. Told him it just wasn't safe. That's the only...
He was yelling at them and resisted. It's that simple.
From what I understand they were trying to arrest him. Should they be arresting him? I don't know. But he did resist by telling them not to...
Les won't uproot his family. Also, Schembechler told him that he had to go make his own Michigan. That's what LSU is for him. Les isn't leaving.
Here's how I feel about these cases. You fuck with the bull, sometimes you get the horn. Should Michael Brown be dead, maybe, maybe not. It...
Wait Bo Pelini? Who the hell would want him?
Mullen has to know this and I bet his agent is working the phone pretty hard these days. He needs to bolt to a better job if he can because,...