49-6 - and we take it off their throat late and ease off.
I see it as competitive rivals which is more interesting now b/c your coach is so inept. Now Ole Miss, there's the hatred thing.
I hope he does well. Great kid from what I understand
that board is famous for that stuff. you should see what they do to RC and Mack
nice signature fat harry. tell me they are going to stop the green on green look.
Shreveport Times ain't much better than all these. I can't stand any of the Louisiana sports sections after living in Dallas. If a game starts...
I got it, it sucks. At least it doesn't do any file removal or damage.
Florida, along with Nebraska and Washington are no longer in the elite and will be middle of the pack for years to come - reason - no or mediocre...
will clark should be on there
I'm in Dallas and I gotta tell you I don't brake for Aggies
not that bad, at least they didn't go all Oregon on us. Anyone notice how Lou Holtz's expression never changed in the pics?
OLB from what I can tell - he's really impressed
I wish Kid Rock would put a Bama shirt on
he's 4th string at OU. Total headcase.
word is that La Tesh is in the mix too
where would he play Mauck Randall Russell Flynn there is no room for him. I don't get it
when was the last time we played Vandy? seems like forever ago.
this is not a 5 conf loss team. I say 8-3, 5-3 2nd in west