Now you are the one gaining wisdom, grasshoppa :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
He blinded you with logic... He.... blinded.... you........... with logic! [IMG]
That's ok, you all stole it verbatim from what Rush Limbaugh has been saying for years, so it's all fair. This whole argument is just a...
"Critical thinking consists of the mental process of analyzing and evaluating statements or propositions that have been offered as true. It...
I think Ninjas would be more effective, but hey, that's why I'm not President...
Normally, the correct use of the word is an adjective such as "Moderate Republican". As far as his scenarios for abortion and the death...
From Websters: Main Entry: 1mod·er·ate Pronunciation: 'mä-d(&-)r&t Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin moderatus, from...
Oh irony irony... [IMG]
I hope Fred Thomson wins, but only because his wife is smoking hot. I mean, DAYUM! [IMG] [IMG] But my vote will go to Ron Paul. I...
Agreed. Strong left hook would go through his guard and knock him out. Especially if thrown by Coach Yaw-Yaw.
Who was that pro player that was reduced to tears by Saban? That was awesome.
Yeah, starting at QB as a true rookie is a seriously high pressure situation. Good think JR is at his best in high pressure situations. I'd...
I'd go pro track if I was him. He is too small to play at the next level, so why risk the injury?
With sharp, pointy teeth!
I used to think that the people who advocated this position were absolutely correct. However, after the elections of right-wing, America friendly...
I hope they lock his punk-azz up. But somehow, I think because he's rich and famous, he'll avoid any serious punishment.