Exactly. The Supreme Court's main purpose is to settle unclear issues of Constitutional Law, like issues of religion and government. Time and time...
Yeah, the alliance between the modern far-left and Islam has always seemed really odd to me. I guess hating America trumps all other principles?
If you go to www.lesmiles.net and look at his bio, you will see that he has a son named Leslie Matthew Miles. I'm now thinking that the son is...
He needs to be in Howard Stern's "Ms. Butterface" competition.
Newt has absolutely no prayer of getting nominated. Nice pic though. Can he look any more caucasian?
Huh huh, huh huh, you had balls in your mouth. [IMG]
Same here. The only problem I have with him is not his fault: many of the 9/11 "Truther" morons seem to support him as well. That makes me...
Yeah, I'm predicting the final election will be Gore vs. Thompson.
Oh yes, I recall now. That was before the next verse, John 3:35 says: "And the countenance will resemble no man native to this land. Verily, I...
Oh wow
I don't care how good they might taste. If I ate one, I would vomit immediately. It is not natural to have balls in your mouth.
See also: John Edwards.
I remember how different Gore tried to portray himself after each debate. In one, he was calm and agreeable. He took heat. So the next one, he was...
Exactly. She is incredibly shrill when she gets worked up. I think her fake Southern Drawl is the funniest thing I've ever heard. We are still...
Only if you were a hot one. I have a feeling you'd be a naggy chick, though. But if you were hot I could tune you out.
Hypothetical: If you were on trial in Detroit, home to a very large Muslim population, and right in the lobby was a prominent sign saying "There...
I gotta admit, sometimes the tactics that the ACLU employs gets on my nerves. However, in this case, I think they are totally justified. The...
I thought that the topic was going to be about calling Sabanfan a girl.
Yeah I personally do the pinch/pull as described, but I gotta dumb it down to the Texas crowd and make it easy for them. There is indeed...
The answer to the bag or powder question is: both complement each other nicely and should be used in tandem. I use the both the bags and the...