Presidents on all sides do this. This is nothing new or scandalous. Whats amusing to me is the faux outrage that one party displays whenever the...
Not homeless. They do have a high rate of mental illness, and we should provide help for them. I meant the fit and able people on welfare, trailer...
Not only that, but the only reason that the majority of people in America are poor is because they are stupid or lazy. Immigrants who don't know...
Anyways, gold is like, so 1992. Might as well be drinking Taqueray and ridin' on Dayton rims. Platinum is where it's at, baby! [IMG]
I've heard that they can't keep these on the shelves in Iran, despite the facts that Muslims don't keep dogs. [IMG] It's Bacon!
I have a hard time believing that Muslims would not be fond of something.
I'm sorry, but I can't resist eating bacon and looking at women's ankles.
yes tirk, i will just listen to you and not these other fools.
Yeah, I think that the best decision is keeping Addai, Parker, and SJ. Some publications have Addai as their 3-7 pick, and Parker as 9-12. A first...
Thanks for the advice guys.
The active roster is 1QB, 2RB, 3WR.TE, 1K, 1Def. Yeah that would've been sweet to play all three. Since I can only play two, one has to be on...
Remember I can only keep three, so the only wise choice is to keep Jackson, Addai, and Parker, or to keep Jackson, Addai, and Henry. Or to sum...
I can fill in my lowest round picks with waiver picks.
I am playing in a high dollar keeper league. We can keep three of our players from last year, as long as you give up your pick in the round you...
Nuts! I guess if I was a professional writer I would have been sacked.
So it would be reasonable that the court should be guided by principles such as (summary) 1. Do not worship any other Gods. (does no God count?)...
So if we should allow for religion in Govt buildings, which one do we allow? Be specific. Baptist? Catholic?
Yes, but we don't tend to honor the secular ones by posting pictures of them on courthouses and government buildings.