I have no problem with this guy paying for sex, except for the fact that he is so strongly against gay marriages. He has made our private lives...
So the quote in your sig is true then. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I don't see why Christians are so against prostitution, when in the Bible Jesus specifically discouraged punishment to an adulterous (possible...
Not only that, but since contracting AIDS would be a career killer, the porn industry is very stringent about testing and prevention. Your odds of...
Tragic, really. I'm sure Ron Jeremy hates his life.
And what about the ones that enjoy making the porn. Are they victims as well?
Post 1000. My path to internet nerd-dom is complete.
You must then perform an interperative dance to "God Bless The USA" by Lee Greenwood, to an audience of the elderly.
I don't know why you have to put your faith into any concept or person. I feel pretty human when I put faith in my own abilities, not the wishes...
Yes, you are a bad American. Sorry.
I honestly have not been interested in following this case, so excuse me if I sound ignorant but: Was anyone else found guilty in this matter?...
I don't know if you are intentionally being obtuse about "Mother" Teresa, but I am referring to the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS,...
Don't worry Martin, I think you are an ******* too. :wink:
I agree with all of this. I harp on Evangelicals because I was personally psychologically abused (not sexually, I didn't say Catholic) by this...
I don't know if I'd agree about Robertson, but that's only been my experience growing up in the Baptist church. Of course, that was before...
I'd like to think I provide more of an "Andouille" experience.
Ok, this is a featured piece of journalism from the 700 Club's Website, which is Pat Robertson's cash cow. Not exactly an out-of-the-mainstream...
Your world would be better. My world would be slightly less better. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Seriously though, porn...
So after much bitching from "local residents" the authorities in Monroe have arrested the manager of an Adult Novelty Store for the horrible crime...
"True Louisianians" also look like this: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] And last but not least (this actually looks like alot of fun) [IMG]