I don't see how Polygamy doesn't fall under religious protection laws in the first place, but if it was legalized I would have no problem giving...
Polygamy is illegal. If it was legal, I would have no problem with full marriage rights to polygamists. It is not a "bad thing" to not like...
I don't think many on the pro gay-marriage/union/partnership side would care what it was called as long as it provided equal Federal protection....
Because some of these special rights make perfect sense, and would have no relevancy to a non-married individual. Hospital visitation. Married...
So he created man in his own image, but it was a flawed image that had a natural tendency to sin, and because the original one guy followed his...
So then, if thats the rule, then wouldn't the path to saving the souls of the world lead to suppresing any knowledge of god, period? I mean, if...
Nice story, but he forgot to mention the cadre of stud running backs that we are blessed with. We are going to be brutal offensively rotating...
Because the government gives rights to married couples that gay couples don't get. No, Civil Unions and Marriage are not similar in any way...
Baby steps. Baby steps. The Mormons will get their day. I like multiple (female) partners as well, but I'm not barking up that tree... One answer...
Matthew 25:14-23 # "For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to...
Is not the logical inverse of "The world through him might be saved" equal to "The world who doesn't go through him be dammed", but just doesn't...
What verses in the bible support this?
Jesus... hmmm.... Yeahhh.... Is this not the man who reportedly came to condemn all who dont submit to his will to eternal damnation in a lake of...
I know several gay and lesbian couples that have been monogamous for 20+ years. Gay men are still men, so of course they can be horndogs, but in a...
That is a ridiculous argument that I've heard rehashed over and over, but if you think about it it makes no sense. How about we just assume that...
So what reason could he have to oppose gay marriage other than outright bigotry? If two consenting adults want to enter into the contract of...
He has pushed for a ban on gay marriage in order to preserve the sanctity of marriage between one woman and one man. In the meanwhile he was...
Your font is purty.
Secular people can't even get close to the concept of publishing widely-believed journalistic stories suggesting monster possession from a Parker...