Hedging your bet, eh? Well, I'm also concerned about a diabolical unicorn who buttrapes caucasian people in the afterlife. Might as well appease...
Keep your sex lives to yourselves, please.
But what is your proof? You sure sound confident in your correctness, having never seen or spoken to god (prayer doesn't count- you've never heard...
Dude, it's martin. I wouldn't worry about it. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: Speak your mind here without apology. We are all pretty blunt...
Electrocuting, hanging, and slamming dogs down on concrete to kill them is not a "little tussle". If you can't see the wrong in this there is...
A very cleverly crafted response. Bravo :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
No offense taken. My grandfather was a practicing Catholic who really embraced religion in the end of his life and I'm pretty sure got "saved". As...
So I start a religion called the "Order of Deadly Serious Moo Cows", and at the very start predict that in the future my cult will be laughed at...
Sorry amigo, but I have 18 years of experience going to two different Baptists churches for 4 times a week without fail. We never missed church at...
Re: raqi prime minister says U.S. troops can go 'anytime they want' Iran is already helping the Sunni side, but will escalate their operations...
That would be fine with me. Call it a "Federal Civil Union" or something, transfer the equal rights, and let the churches decide their own stance...
Everything I've mentioned has to do with the government, more specifically programs using federal funding like Medicare and Social Security....
I've heard that plans are already underway for his new movie, "An Inconvenient Lisp".
I've already given you several examples of how this affects people in practical terms. There is no more I can do. Martin has spoken, and so it...
You too. I appreciate you taking the time to offer your perspective.
You stay cynical there, Martin. Nailed it right on the head. If only I could be the smartest guy in the room too, then I could stand for something...
Oh really? Agreed. That's been my whole point this entire time. Again, agreed. But the reality is that these things are trifled with by...
I'm glad it worked out between you and your son, but the prodigal son scenario isn't the equivalent just because after your son decided to...
Polygamy is a voluntary practice, gayness is something people usually have no choice in determining. I'd resort to ad hominem as well if my...
I would punish my children, but if they never apologized I surely wouldn't toss them into a lake of fire. That would make me a horrible parent.