Kurzweil is good stuff And despite your self-assurance, by virtue of the fact that you argue politics on the internet, you are indeed dorky...
That raises interesting questions that have been explored in countless anime films. I mean, aren't humans mechanical beings as well? Although,...
All you can do to get at the core of Islam is to look at the countries where Islam is dominant. All of them have a common theme: repression of...
So when the pope makes decrees and edicts, he isn't communicating the will of god? So why do you confess your sins to priests if they don't...
Ok, for all of you types accusing the dog lovers of hypocrisy because we eat cows and chickens without caring, answer me this: Has a cow ever...
According to this link, indoctrination is in the works. It does seem more of an opinion piece than anything, though......
I'm afraid it isn't a joke: http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/06/news/letter.php
Actually, I searched for Islamic Rage Boy. Check him out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_Boy
Fascinating. PS: Look closer into the Sheehan picture. If you don't get the joke in 5 minutes, pm me and I'll draw a big circely arrow thingy...
Oh and here is The Muslim Brotherhood's American organization called "CAIR", and their delight over the arrests....
Here is my favorite journalist Christopher Hitchen's take on it: http://www.slate.com/id/2171371/fr/flyout God-Fearing People: Why are we so...
This is outrageous... What has happened to this country? Why do we protect the feelings of people who practice a religion that enslaves women,...
I think it's funny that someone who claims to be able to communicate the direct will of god finds anything to be absurd.
She looks like that at 40? Nice. Can you say MILF? Of course, when you've been married for a while your judgement gets a bit cloudy :wink:
Just wanted to brag about former LSU Golfer Phil Schmitt who will be playing in the 2007 PGA Championship. Phil is my cousin as well. He will have...
Much rather see that than Bill Clinton.
It's just a matter of how much you want to chance it. You can probably find tickets before the game, but since you are already going through all...
Ouch. Tiger stadium is regarded as a nightmare for opposing kickers....
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't thing that the concrete idea of hell and the lake of fire emerged until the later gospels of the New...