I sawthe new cover today, looks pretty sweet. It has just Saban's hand lifting the crystal ball and has a few players hand in the background...
I agree, I think that it should be moved around. It is unfair that should georgia make it, they pretty much have a home game. Although last year...
Whether it was optional or not not does not justify acting like a child. The sad thing is that I am sure there are some people out there that...
That would be really nice. i was just thinking a few days ago that they should change that sign on the scoreboard it was getting too faded. I'll...
Those covers look pretty nice. They should probably think about doing different covers for the games depending on the location. It would probably...
Yeah I totally hate day games. You have to get out there earlier and have to start drinking earlier, and it sure gets hot in my wizard costum....
You have to leave a little alcohol in the bottle, that way they catch fire easier.
He tipped my friend $5, although I think that is the only time he has ever answered the door.
I didn't see the game but I'm just glad that Texas didn't win because i pull for the underdog. Congrats CSF.
Yeah I would imagine that he got it for free. That is kind of funny how when you are rich you get things for free. Although he didn't get his...
That would be nice if Sammy Joseph came here, i went to highschool with him (although I was a few years older) he was a fun player to watch.
Should we make this fair by spraying a whole lot of aerosol cans in the air up north? That's a good idea, just blame mother nature.:thumb:
A formal request for a map to your location will be sent to you at the start of football season. Just make sure you have enough to go around.
Ha ha that will never get old!
Wow this is just pahtetic.:dis:
Man that guy just looks really sad in that first picture, but I do think that guy on the left should really cut out the breast feeding, that's...
That's pretty cool. Congrats on the tickets. How much do you think the whole trip is going to cost?
Does anyone really think that if LSU was in the place that USC was last year would anyone be going through all this trouble to change the BCS?...
I don't see how stealing signs is a part of the game. Using TV cameras to predict or find out the pitch was something that was not intended with...