this is embarrassing
someone is going to have to explain to me why the hell is JJ still in the game. If this was Lee his a$$ would have been benched a long time ago....
Leave it to the Honeybadger. He takes want he wants.
damnit. take jj out. miles you got to be fringing kidding me. boo the guy I don't care at this point. take him out. take him out. take him out....
I will be so glad when golden boy is gone. bye bye jj
get JJ off the field. you know if it was lee you would be saying the same. Get golden boy off the damn field now! put mett in I don't care. Sit...
Bama has to hate that they said that.
i will deal with you later. Don't derail this thread. In the words of BP..."FYMF"
Satan is ruining my tiger experience.
Notebook hands down! love it.
First Read - Cain suspends campaign bye bye Cain!
So these shirts won't go on sale till sunday. That sucks. Give me another store. The only other shirt I can find that says LSU champions is in...
this game is taking to long to start.
Rick Reilly - No rematch for BCS title game - ESPN :LSU231:
corn stache. i ain't see white girls rap since I was at JC penny's. Now that's funny.
aggies are over there scouted out Saban. :grin:There claim to fame is "We are smarter then you" and get this according to the Longhorns they are...
Cue Nick Saban:hihi:BAMA
Love me some Eminem
Who is this man? Why is he talking normal? Where is his hat? :miles::grin: It has been a great season.:LSU231: