10-0 in the second quarter. OSU lead. can OSU pull this out?
With a two touchdown lead Lee could lead the team. He should have let Lee lead the team in the 4th qt in Tiger Stadium. He should of let Lee lead...
Why don't you go back and read that pretty little thread with the sticky and see how many people are not stuck up JJ's a$$ like you and your buddies.
I will take it where I want too. JJ still sucks. You can't handle it. Sorry!
Why don't you boys go read the SEC game day thread I am by far not the only one that thinks JJ sucks. Carry on!
Nope, I am not happy. JJ sucked. His true colors shows. I am happy that we are going to the NCG not happy with JJ and will be more then happy when...
You live in TexASS. shouldn't you be rooting for the longhorn's or the aggies? Isn't everything bigger and better in TexASS oh that's right.
shut the hell up. JJ sucks if you can't deal with it find a new team.
13-0. JJ you still suck!
what is this crap that is we lose in the BSC game we share the title with bama?
Hopefully we have a qb by then.
JJ take one for the team and just bench yourself.
more proof why JJ should not throw the ball:wave:
Only in a LSU game would you have multi clock management issues. IRONY
Dear offense, You can show up now. Thanks, Tiger fans
we going to his house, right?:grin:
My cell phone is about to go clear out the window. I actually had to hand it off for safe measure clearly people don't understand the rules.
Putt Mett in. He has to be better then this. JJ can't even make a first down.
Miles. He should have benched JJ a$$ a long time ago.