so far only corso picks LSU
i think he's a moron. he says ala wins big he think stanford upsets oregon? the guy is 10-6 in picking hgames this year-- i have a better %...
i say yes-- we'd clobber them. i mean seriously look how LA tech hung in there til the end
ill be saying this all day saturday The Husker Prayer Dear Lord, the battles we go through...
more like matty thaw
i love the stats!
Guys ( and girls) am i the only one who has issues with our running game? where is the charles scott and KW from 1-2 years ago-- is it them or...
1. i knew there was very little chance of beating florida- i just know the limits of my team. 2. i doubt we beat ALA, unless we do something...
I thought the o line couldve given us a better chance. The defense did their job and i Couldnt ask for anything more. The guy held the db- it...
12-14. And i am money with that our d qas there. They did their job keepong it close. The o coulnd score. Its on them. Not the defense. We will...
I know, damn iphone!
Sorry but it lsu wins it will be a major upset. While i dont think lsu is where they need to be defesively or offensivley- i thjnk it maybe closer...
yeah well brady quinn blows too!!
ole miss isnt that great, the qb had a bad day-- they werent firing on all cylinders -- they had a pretty cushy schedule-- but dont take anything...
im beginning to understand miles' thought process-- he has said it numerous times--- he wants the QB to be a game manager-- thats it-- making good...
there's positive and there there's reality
24 17
yeah well every week he says we need to get better in ( insert an area) well it better be better if we're going to beat fl ga ala and auburn oh...
the ball CLEARLY didnt cross the goal line and it was defintely DEBATEFUL if you think it did. we got away with one there -- move along,...
it was clearly a safety