Now THAT is a great D play!
Hope all the butterflies have settled - now's the time for the Tigers to get down to business.
Time for our first class SEC O line to blow 'em open.
Relax, watch and'll get better.
Tryin' to fool 'em - everybody else runs em to the wide side!
You're right - but I expect that to get A LOT better as we go into the game.
Jefferson looks really, really comfortable.
We'll just outscore 'em!
That worked out well for BYU - Oklahoma now has a hard row to hoe. Poor babies.
Stoops' face should be sorta crimson about now.... Feel bad about Bradford, though, because he's a good kid and a good player, too.
Looks like all they had was Dixon - and he's history.
After hearing the Chesney song for NCAA, I find it only mildly annoying.
What he said.
USCe didn't look...well...didn't look "organized" or something. I know it's the first game and all, but not an impressive opening.
I would not be surprised if Les received offers from any school. I would be shocked if he accepted any offer. I think he's at LSU till he...
When I was at LSU, we used to say that Tigers have webbed feet. Mike VI sure likes playing with his ball in the pool......
Re: Official LSU v. UW Game Thread; 9:30 pm; ESPN Finally, it's game week! I hope the Tigers go to Washington ready to play. I hope they...
insert for a 45 rpm record - allows it to be played on small spindle turntable.
nothing comes to mind...