Wrong. Here it is: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf OBTW, the plan was first put in place by...
Trump did nothing the whole month of February. No masks, no gowns, no respirators, and no tests/testing, no plan, no coordination. He just figured...
Social distancing at work . . Pretty much as predicted. Now, we need to squash the curve.
Is Trump going to fire Fauci? There is a lot of speculation (probably well founded). I expect wagers are being made on whether or not Fauci is...
If I go farther than my front porch, I wear mine. My daughter came to see us Saturday. Sat on the deck, 12 feet apart (I measured) and we all wore...
I am in that boat, or at least I have co-morbidities. I feel like I am just waiting around to die. What pisses me off the most is that you get...
Fucking A. The Raleigh NC newspaper had a picture of a mob outside a local Home Depot. The store is managing the number of people inside and...
I can’t get a link but NYTimes has an article today talking about under counting Covid-19 cases that die in home and not reported by health...
Though I disagree with a lot you say about Coronavirus, and everything you say about Trump, this post is one of the best I have ever seen. You are...
Pretty cool Public Service Announcement: [MEDIA]
Probably the most insightful article I have read relating to Covid19. Thanks for posting.
Not that I care a lot, but my feeling is that DeBlasio has been routinely blasted as near inept. Cuomo is getting, deservedly so, great accolades...
Interesting take. I think just the opposite. if any country wanted to destroy the US of A they could waltz right in. Nobody wants us. Can you...
If we can ever get to "a happy place" with testing that is exactly what will happen Just back from Food Run, deliver to car, put in the back. A...
Maybe, just maybe someone around you needs you to wear one.
EXACT same experience here. First several years were miserable, but then I stop getting sick. I am hoping some of that immunity is still with me....
Fuck mask shamers. Remember most people are stupid. And a lot of those are very stupid. On our Saturday food run (put in back of Yukon, not even...
If you haven’t heard the Queen’s address on COVID19 you should give it a listen.
This is sooo easy. Just stay home, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, maintain physical separation and wear a mask. Why people won’t/can’t...
I have a small number of masks (cheapos) I got when I cleaned the old garage out several years ago. There were significant number of...