And my point is people are tuning in to a prime-time SEC football game on Saturday night because the reputation of the league and the defending NC...
Thanks for the updates, saw we were down 1-2 going to the 9th and thought we were in trouble.
Any update? must have forgot to pay the bills this month, because their site looks to be down indefinitely.
You're telling me prime-time SEC football is a ratings-grabber? Wow, who knew? UTexas/A&M was also a big rivalry. Yall are big boys, you'd get...
The supposed concept of the BCS was to crown an undisputed national champion. We were told that split NCs were now a thing of the past...until it...
The tournament really doesn't mean much of anything for both us and Vandy with 2 guaranteed national seeds already sewn up. If it did, Mainieri...
If UT and Bama care so much about that game, then let them use up an OOC slot, outside the rotation, and don't have the game count toward the SEC...
The fact that ESPN even recognized this is a sign of the end days.
Over/under on length of time before Simba is dismissed for "violating team rules"?
And that's our final score, LSU wins 3-0.
Tigervision is supposed to be history IIRC. And if you've been buying PPVs through Tigervision, you were getting ripped off anyway. The way...
What happened with the umpire getting beaned? I must have listened to Hawthorne and Hanagriff yammer about it for 5 minutes without them actually...
UGA debaters are arguably a national powerhouse [IMG]
That's almost exactly what he did, but he landed about an arm's length short of the plate, when he got to his knees he stretched out to get it....
Lombardi ain't making $500K here anymore.
Why let other fans dictate your happiness with the team's accomplishments? We take 2/3 on the road with Game 3 in extra innings, that's more than...
Glad I clicked on the last link, I was getting ready to light up some writer at for putting us in the bottom half of the SEC. :D
You know why that'll never happen.
Let's see how well Johnny Foozball can work his magic this year without 2 All-American O-linemen protecting his scrawny butt.
Gonna need some ointment for that burn.