So my father in law calls me this morning asking why Alabama fans call us Corndogs. So of course I go to google and find that because "we smell...
I guess I'll keep my McCain hate train going. And OMG it is from CNN but atleast not a blog right.. NEW YORK (CNN) -- Russia invades Georgia...
Of course I'll probably get blasted for posting something from NPR but here you go:...
This absolutely makes me sick: This is the last straw for me on McCain. He is so...
SabanFan what is your point in using this. And you can't just say because that is his name otherwise you would did the same thing for P. Bobby...
Man what a good turnout. Too many people to really get any bulk signing done. But man it sure leaves a good taste to know that football is...
I found these videos very interesting and sad in the same breath. Especially the last one with the children......
So much work to do.. So little time!
If you haven't seen his lecture or know nothing about this man you should: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Randy Pausch, a university professor whose...
I had a bit of a discussion with a few friends last night on the topic of a Business selling out to a Foreign Holder. We used the recent AB...
How many rows up does the west uppers go? Like if I wanted seats in 612 and I found some at row 20 how far up is that?
Anybody heading over to Gainesville for the game. I am but have never been there so I was hoping to follow others that are going to tailgate etc....
You know how I do. Only flag on the beach for the 4th. My daughter loved it!
You have got to be kidding me.... In a press conference yesterday, Gov. Bobby Jindal commented on the passage of a bill that will double...
Is it just be or are you tired of seeing Jesus depicted as white. And the whole people didn't vote for Jindal b/c he was dark skinned. Idiots...
Breaking months of acrimonious deadlock, House and Senate leaders from both parties have agreed to a bill that gives nation's spy agencies the...
:rolleye33: Four Western oil companies are in talks with Iraq’s Oil Ministry for no-bid contracts to service the country’s largest fields, 36...
You got to be kidding me: WAFB Channel 9, Baton Rouge, LA |Senate approves proposal for increasing legislators' pay If Jindal doesn't block...
I had the great opportunity to see the LSU baseball game on Sunday. I haven't been to a baseball game since I was a young boy so I was a bit... CHENEY: On the security front, I think there’s a...