Sorry if this was posted but I just saw it. Looks like Saban got his wish.. I really feel sorry for these people..
Well it looks like someone got a hold of his cell number. I got the text last night around 8:00 p.m. I really thought the Tebow one was funny...
I find this word being thrown around a lot here. Most of it in the derogatory sense. Could someone please lay out some objective facts that make...
I see LSU has 2.5 points in their favor. Pretty much even money. I was surprised to see LSU only had 2.5 points favor for the SC game. Which I...
What are your thoughts about this and is this surprising to you? I did also find this video interesting:
I am bit confused. McCain says this now at every major speech. But if I'm not mistaken didn't he tout the "new" bailout plan after it was...
I really didn't want to believe that there were ignorant people like this in the world but at last I finally heard it with my own 2 ears. And...
I thought I would share a few essentials that I am bring down to the Florida game.. :) 1. You certainly can't be around Gators and not EAT...
Healthcare: Right, Privilege, or Responsibility? Well it was asked in the debate last night and I couldn't believe the answer from either...
Anyone have a pulse on this?
I found this interesting. John McCain missed 738 of 4104 roll call votes (18%) since Feb 4, 1993. That is more than all others. The graph below...
I couldn't help myself and got a few just in case. Hedging my bets I guess.
It is funny how the law applies to some people and not others ehh. What a great showing of an American here. Let me see you or I try to skip...
Listen and Learn All vids from 9/18 - 9/19
Yet another Govt. bailout of a private organization. This makes me ill. I'm so sick of the way this Govt. is heading.
The forecast doesn't look good. Man why can't we have a regular F'in game. Oh well. Do most plan still going out and tailgating? Also how...
I assume that will be lifted?
I know Miami is young but man Florida looks damn solid. That D looks great.
I'm TailGating! I hate to even say that but man I'm so pumped up for this weekend.. UGH... :lsup::lsup::lsup: