So I guess if I order me up a handblown glass replica, and put it in my trophy case, Captain Podnuh's Pirogues could be national chumps, too. As...
If you review this message style, it quite closely resembles ramah. The overuse of the tilda, the hate on Miles. We may have uncovered a ramah...
Wish the answer was as easy as putting up a quality candidate, instead of another of the good ole boys club. LA had a great opportunity to put in...
I think you got it right with "kooks who actually chain themselves to trees." :grin: Its the same kooks who protest the manufacture of PVC and...
The environmentalists and a little thing known as "Environmental Justice", or NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard) are two significant reasons we have...
Pipeline inspections are generally performed via flyovers. Most leaks in pipelines are discovered this way. With miles and miles of pipe across...
He did say, "one of the best." He did no injustice to any Tiger fans. Stirring a ****storm among LSU Boards on a Zona site would have killed a...
I think he moved his strength to the middle of the line. This will help in running the ball up the gut, as Miles likes to do (Big 12 mentality)....
My wife and I got married the day after Christmas. If we are ever in a bowl game on that date, its not likely I would have wanted to be there...
One could assume that it could be part of an NCAA pile on in the event of a Level I infraction(s). It likely fits into the penalty matrix somewhere.
The veterans of the geriatric section may go into simultaneous stroke mode just minutes prior to the USL game. They wont' be able to find their...
You missed the point. The guy was all that and a bag of chips his FR and SO campaigns, I agree. That's when he racked up the serious yardage....
Well that's unique since he and I are 2nd cousins. Email me at [email protected] and tell me who you are. :)
The last time I was in Jerdan-Hair, we burned the place down, at least the old gym. Coincidence? Maybe I can change your karma.
Re: Could Steven Korte be the answer at HB? He will get lots of PT on Special Teams. With that kind of strait-ahead speed, he has the potential...
What are the guys in left field going to do instead of effing with the opponent's LF all game long? I sure will miss that.
Some BluBell homemade vanilla with chocolate Magic Shell. That's da bomb!
I think you have to go either JR or Cox. Both have come a long way. And as lsu-i-like indicated, Leak is an extremely talented qb, I just fail...
Davis would be on there if the injured Prothro would not be 3rd team. It is ridiculous to place Prothro, who in all likelihod will apply for a...
Is Jaime still organizing this tournament?