I just wanted to add that I was glad the season ended on a bit of an uptick. No one I cared about died, and we saw a bit of humanity in the...
I expect a massive zombie herd in the first few minutes of season 4 that eliminates 90 % of the Woodbury survivors, and forces the main crew to...
I love froyo.
It is not a black and white answer. I would rather see smaller deficits through a reduction in out of control government spending, and reform of...
Dude it wasn't his neighbor asking about his fucking lawn fertalizer. This was a government offical acting in a government capacity, asking...
That is how I find Five Guys fries also. If you are going to do them thick cut, you have to fry them long enough. I find their fries to be...
If we are expanding to casual dining I like the fries at 1) Burgersmiths 2) South of Philly 3) Brubachers (but I never eat them because the...
Government spending has not been reigned in significantly over the past 4-5 years, and it is out of control going forward. The major drivers of...