So a white dude calling a black dude a name negates battery laws? Come on man. You are better than this.
I witnessed the Pittman incident. Some drunkard grabbed a buddy of mine's girlfriend's tits. Pittman went insane. He barely new my buddy or the...
I grew up where he grew up. I know a hundred Art Cantrelles. Fighting is a hobby, and one of only three things to do down the bayou. Fishing,...
My dad told me a story of seeing Art in action. He tore into one guy because the guy was wearing the same shoes as Art and wouldn't take them off...
Art enjoyed kicking ass and didn't discrminate. Bigger than him, smaller than him, one dude, 8 dudes... it didn't matter. Art was going to start...
Is that the story? I was just shooting from the hip.
So what happened? Some drunken troublemaker with a history of getting in fights got in his face and started calling him the n-word? When you are...
How many times was Art Cantrelle arrested?
Have you ever met a cop from Eunice? I find it exactly believable.
I know some Eunice cops. I have a feeling this is pretty trumped up. Cop was probably a dickbag and got pissed when Simon mouthed off to him. I...
Reading comprehension bro. It will clear things up. Noone is saying they want an easier schedule. What everyone wants is a system that does not...
Hey, what a surprise. Instead of an actual counter point you are hurling insults. Good post bra.
He has a valid point and you know it. You just don't like him. The SEC schedulign formula is not equitable, and the other ten teams in the...
Have you done any research on this. Drug testing wellfare recipients removes noone from wellfare roles. It costs assloads of money. Why waste...
Yes. How freaking awful are we. We stand for that kind of shit.
Cell phone subsides were voted into law by a Republican Congress and signed into law by a Republican president. Obama is terrible, but let's hold...
I like the Dangermouse MF Doom stuff. The Mouse and the Mask is one of my favorite albums.
the boomers you know are the minority. Studies indicate that upwards of 70% of boomers do not have enough saved for retirement and will be...
That makes me nervous.
Yeah, I have a wife who stays at home with our three year old, and a son in Catholic shcool. I was able to save a huge chunk of money in the 3...