The second one is an alligator snapper. You can tell by the ridged back and the tongue.
Les Miles has lost control of Saban's players that he won with.
Thats what is now, actually the cutoff is a bit more conservative than that. But, no I don't find that agreeable. It is an arbitrary starting...
Pretty sure that is a logical fallacy, but its funny. Therefore, I'll allow it.
Even if you were talking only about humans you are still wrong. Ask an embryologist when life begins. It isn't when a heart starts beating. That...
No it isn't. There are trillions of life forms on this planet that don't have hearts at all.
I wanted to respond to this separately. I am not an absolutist either, but in the cases of cancer, or high blood pressure, or an ectopic...
Yes. It is a person in a very early stage of development. Do you not understand that we develop different traits as life progresses? A beating...
I disagree. The embryo is fully human at the point of conception. Whether a fertilized egg implants does not change this. Implanting allows...
Again, completely arbitrary. According to you at some magical point the baby goes from being worthless mung to a person. That is wrong. It is...
That is true until 3-5 years. A world famous medical ethicist from Oxford has already argued that infanticide should be legal because infants in...
The alternative is that we don't give people the power to murder other people.
Ok, so give me a scientific basis that an embryo is not a human being from the moment of conception. That is the point in time when a unique...
My wife and I want to kill our neighbor and take his pool. Should we be able to maek that decision. I mean, what does some cogressmen know about...
Bold statement from a guy that thinks the eggs he buys at the store could become chickens.
Makes sense. Negates previous rational thought. Abortion, by your definition because it 1)ends the life of the baby, and 2) has a victim, you...
In your lame attempt to be snarky you have shown us that you don't know the difference between a fertilized egg and an unfertilized egg.
This is a false dilemma. It is a medical rarity when pregnancy threatens the life or health of a mother. Former Surgeon General C. Everret Koop...
I think we are still fatigued from having the difference between legality and lawfulness explained to us by tinsley. Remember that guy? He was...
I took the same quote the same way bra. Thanks for explaining.