Boss, you can like your steak however you like it. What I was saying is that good steakhouses let steaks rest before serving them. A properly...
No way dude. The best steakhouses let a steak cut rest for several minutes after it comes off the heat. If you serve it too quickly the juices...
It is just my preference. I like the contrast in texture from the seared outside to the practically raw inside.
I'm sorry you can't understand basic principles like librty, much less why other people might care about them. The 3 to 11 members of this band...
I mean one's that aren't crazy conspiracy theorists. Crazy people can't be brave. Glenn Beck isn't brave either. He is crazy, and an asshole.
This story is nor irrelevant. these chicks are fucking heros in the strongest sense of the word. They spokeout against oppression, even though...
I like it to moo just a little bit when you cut into it.
I like to do them about 30 seconds on each side, and leave that center red and cold.
I don't think it is done, but it is pretty likely from everything I am hearing.
That is my exact reason for opposing the bailout. For a market to work, bad actors need to be allowed to fail. The banks should never have been...
Tweets out this morning saying he decided to stay. That is welcome news because we need him. Besides we didn't need to make room for the Turk....
There is a real agenda with this study. It states counts income from all sources (public or private) for coaches, but is silent on that topic for...
Funny thing... it isn't who you think it is in Louisiana.
You are playing a game here. The health of the mother is cited as the reason for abortion in less than 1% of abortions, and in those 1% only...
That all sounds very reasonable until you breakdown to what we are allowing by letting mother's choose. We are letting mother's choose to have...
Spoken like someone who couldn't cook toast.
Several babies have survived from 19 weeks. It isn't common, but it is fact. 25 years ago 25 weeks was a stretch, now iti is common. Our...
You just bet on a celebrity couple staying togehter holmes. that is like betting on green in roulette.
Wuss. We had to rub sticks.