Another misleading thread title. Hooray.
I was trying to be facetious. Guess I failed. :( :D
Do we really think that he's actually scouting his own son? I know he attends his games in Baton Rouge, but damn. He may just be the "savior" of...
Or metamucil.
Why you f'n asshole. :D
Could you imagine the commentary combo of Mustardburger and Granny Holtz?
Jay Cutler is and has always been a whiny bitch.
The chica in the pic needs to let em free.
Damn Martin is Richard Simmons? Oh no... :P
I've wondered if Martin and Red weren't like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type duo. :D
Damn not just one but a whole bag lmao Edit: Holy shit a truckload lol
I bet at the close of the letter it said something like "see ya". :D
Most people just take rumors that they heard or saw someone else say and run with it. Most people don't know wtf they're talking about.
What next? A Les Miles sex tape called "Lesticles".
I use black powder from a 5.56 round to cauterize my wounds, then staple them shut with a carpenter's stapler. :P
You like cock do you?
You forgot the tinfoil hat, bro. :D