Wasn't it USC that said the BCS was the ONLY way to go when determining who was going to play in the Sugar Bowl? Now, all of a sudden since the...
That says it all.....there goes the credability.
I hope the media brings everyone they can think of.....hell, why not even Australian reporters! The Big Dance in the Big Easy is gonna be...
Thinking about all the dumb scenarios and picks that ESPN and their ingenious crew made this season, I almost believed it!
I check this one out now and then, but it doesn't seem that interesting. http://www.tulsasportsweb.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=6
Well, at least there is 2 or 3 good AU fans here. I live in SE Alabama....surrounded by both AU and UA fans, and I have to say most, if not all...
At least they'll have something to do when they get here. What if by some miracle the National Championship would be in Oklahoma? What would we...
AMEN!!!! Someone please post this on USC's board!
I love how a few of the posts say that LSU fans are "classless", or "have no class". Does anyone have a FedEx or UPS account set up? I'd love to...
Re: Re: It looks like most of the SEC West is with us Yea, you're correct. Even though my first post did say that both Auburn and Bama fans...
Just wanted to let you all know what's coming from Alabama/Auburn country. The wife and I have been around to the malls today and I was wearing...
This is it....this is our year. Michigan will be our best friend after New Years. By the way.....USC has to have the worst fans in the...
People's champion? Yea.....they can be the People's Creampuff Champion.
I really think Michigan will hand USC their loss in a little brown paper bag. Therefore, the OU/LSU game will actually mean something. This game...
I would really like to play Michigan, then Ohio State, then Florida State (with SEC officials), and finally Texas. I think Michigan and Texas...
Yeee Hawww!!!! hehehe I can't tell you how ready I am for Saturday night. I even worked extra hours at the beginning of the week so I'm able...
Well go Boise State! Where is the game being played at? I watched the Boise State/Nevada game on and off this passed weekend and with that blue...
Ok....so "if" Syracuse wins and LSU wins this Saturday, will that Boise State/Hawaii game at 10:30p.m. have the final outcome of the BCS? I...
I do believe this is the first time the BCS has made any sense to me. Thanks islstl for your hard work!
If it happens, it happens. I just want that SEC Title AGAIN!!!!! A National Championship would be nice, but if we don't get a shot this year,...