It's amazing that the debate gets hung up on the very rare instances of rape, incest and mothers health. And I don't know who's to blame but it's...
Dumbass, that in no way means 9T was misplaced. Btw, u know that the questioner is perhaps the most liberal congressman?
i thought it was driven by a housing bubble.
then why does ryan want to get rid of cap gains tax? why does romney pay half the tax rate of countless that make millions less than him? it...
christian scientists have lower lifetime medical costs. do you think they pay less? the more educated have lower lifetime medical costs. do...
butler was good at kick returns. i think led the sec. jaquet not in that class?
That's the opposite of a retraction, dufus. There's tons of evidence on foxnews and wash times that college profs are liberal elitists that...
Those on the right are much more of a dt concern
what increased taxes have you paid in the past 3 1/2 yrs?
well rick santorum and i disagree
well, you are an outlier. most agree with a progressive tax system. a third of the top 400 earners(AGI) pay less than 15% not sure...
found it. it doesnt define how much income 1% is though. at least that i could find. id guess 99th percentile is less than a million a year. to...
i doubt y'all have enough info about this to evaluate potus's decision-making. significant headway has been made against alqaeda, paki hasnt...
Chance of winning Romney 30.3% +1.9 since Aug. 11 Obama 69.7% -1.9 since Aug. 11
you left out the biggest group of small businesses--those annoying Amway, MaryKay, tupperware, etc "businesses"
college is for elitists. b.o. is trying to make taxpayers pay for kids college so he can indoctrinate them. the only school worth anything is...
even when compared to middle class (say $100-300k/yr)?
There will be more jobs and the taxes on the workers will make up for it. If it doesn't, we'll just get rid of the depts of Ed, energy, treasury,...
really there should be no taxes on businesses because they are job creators. really there should be no taxes on rich people because they are...