Those that don't like him for a reason they can't articulate resort to this. It's the big flaw with democracy, people don't have to have a sane...
Na, I'm here to receive knowledge and give knowledge. Very few here will honestly consider other opinions so its pointless here to just say...
No I don't know you, but I go by what you write. you ignore facts and will not consider other opinions, so you are a bigot. I called out your...
Marriage is really stupid. It means nothing except for old farts.
People that went to college. They think that makes them better than working folk. All those professors are liberals that brainwash kid into...
Nope, it's waiting for ideologs to die.
Lot more energy at the dnc (so far) than at the rnc. May be a sign that turnout won't be as much of a neg for O as was thought.
There's my point. You have forgotten. Jl had the best Lsu qb performance I have ever seen. Seems you too have forgotten.
Makes me want to puke when people discount, or worse forget, perhaps the best Lsu qb performance in history.
Did mett every audible go through a progression?
Or print more money to pay the bills. Oh, wait, individuals can't do that? Not a very relevant analogy tiga.
The lies in the RNC seem Brazenly false. Scary. It might actually convince me to donate to b.o. And the GOP broken record about how great the...
How about being stupid?
That's why you are such a bitter woman? Tanning beds and a penalty for using health sav acct funds for NON-health items? You should really love...
You must be old
I'm with you, sort of. I get that the aim of the conservative position is not to limit women's freedoms, it is to protect the soon to be born....
Obama is thoughtful but not risk-averse, certainly not a dove. Reagan was cavalier and a grotesque propagator of the military-industrial complex...
I think small ball is the best way for a program with less talent to compete, but I hope cjj doesn't think it's the best way to win period.
Might be better than that. This may result in tm playing 4instead of 3 yrs.
Sure as hell trust b.o. More than that dufus Reagan and horoscope nancy.