Ehhhh... I don't think they were too happy about the houndstooth hats with the LSU logo on them....
Two favorite parts: 1) That guy who yells "THROW IT!" as Jones gets the sack. :wave: 2) Dorsey telling Les "Good game, coach." :miles:
Alright, was it this one? [img]
Haha. The pregame video in the stadium consisted of clips no newer than 1992. When a clip of the Bear's voice was heard over said video, the...
That's what I'm betting on, too. If it is, I'll give consideration to canceling my Saturday night reservation. C'mon! Let us know something...
You know I'll be there. Oxford is worse for finding hotels than Tuscaloosa, so naturally you have to stay in one of the adjacent cities. Me?...
Except that whole interception thing...
Taken last night. :thumb: [img]
Every sack I was screaming out "YOU JUST GOT LARON LANDRY-ED!"
*sigh* I was hoping the ever present hype of Brady would end tonight.
As the LSU student section was saying last night: Who? CHAD JONES. WHO? CHAD JONES.
I got a few middle fingers and was almost ran over (had to jump out of the way when some jerkhole in a truck sped up as I was crossing the road),...
Let's wait for the hype behind this game. Crowton vs. Dooley. Think the national media is calling this one the Crowton bowl? :hihi:
This picture of Saban showing exactly where it hurts was on the front page of this morning's Montgomery Advertiser. Aww. Who feels bad for him?...
All that I can say at this point is: :grin:
Listening to the official postgame show of Alabama's after the game while the LSU show was on commercial on my XM, the host of the show was taking...
Why, Mr. saltyone, who all did you meet? ;)
Paul Bear Bryant ... never molested any children. [media]
Oh, and my boss has both an LSU and a Bama pullover, so naturally I threatened him with physical harm should he decide to wear the incorrect one....
Ah, now I remember why I love college football. Good job! :thumb: