I don't know how relevant this is, but LSU told the students that they'll know if they have tickets or not no later than the 26th.
The Arkansas website also has 1:30. http://www.hogwired.com/SportSelect.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=6100&KEY=&SPID=2419&SPSID=30723 But the CBS...
I'm going to try and make a couple of games after football season, no worries.:thumb:
Well, I'm just going to point out that the Colts defense has gotten better since last year. I'm just sayin'.
Can this go on the most annoying cheers list? [media]
Every marker on the map is a regular parking area (save for the one that's obviously the Vaught-Hemingway). I think some of those spots are...
Why would you go for an onside kick when you're up 43-0?
He's on the Chris Johnson diet. [img]
We need to put the fire out fast. Someone call the former Iraqi Information Minister quick.
I agree 100% on that one. Alabama, Auburn, Florida, UGA... they all do it. That's probably the lamest chant in college football.
Thanks. :thumb:
Since I'm a SEC Championship virgin forgive me for asking, but what is MARTA?
Bump. Who else is going?
Not sure about tailgating. This is going to be my first trip to the SEC championship game so I'm kind of winging it. Thankfully our hotel is a...
His screen presence is amazing.
I posed this question in another thread, but did anyone else enjoy the halftime show for LA Tech? The band looked great. The part where it...
Did anyone else enjoy the halftime show as much as I did? The revival of the tank was great, but I think the best part was when it looked like...
Aww yeah, I get to be the first one to post it: [media]
Wahoo! Now I don't feel so bad about booking my hotel for Atlanta earlier this week. I was afraid I was going to jinx the team and get stuck...
It's always a surprise. LSU doesn't let the students know in advance where their seats are.