Let's see if Tubby sits on it...or goes for the win...he'll be aggressive for sure!
they need to go on 2.... they will jump!
Bowe....what a play! I thought he might have double-dribbled.
Hey...they threw on 1st down....under thrown though:dis:
Most important drive of the year coming up.....let's see how we respond.
Play of the Game! ....so far. Nice call on how they lined up Mix.
there's that toss again...
The toss is killing us..they're pulling guards and at times putting the slot in motion....just out-flanking the D...the last toss AU ran, the back...
needed that TD....missed the freakin FG....blown opportunities :po: :po: :po:
how many penalties is that tonight?
Nice call with the reverse.....even if it was to the short side of the field
WS score... bot 6th White Sox 4 Astros 3
It wasn't that good of a pass....the FS started to run downhill and bit on the play-action...we'll take right now anyway we can.
TD...That's got to sting! :hihi:
exactly...he didn't follow the lead iso block...looks scared or something
JR throwing off his back foot... and connects anyway, at least we're moving the ball!
Why would Carey cut back running a toss... the blockers were there....crazy
Got to WRAP UP! :angryfire