I thought HSV was a sorrority at Auburn. :lol:
Does the sea refer to the Canadian side of the Great lakes? :yelwink2:
If he grew up in Alabama, he surely knows well the smell of raw sewage.
I think we're at yellow.
UGA vs. AU 04= LSU vs. AU 03 The chickens never recover from an early barrage.
I agree that Alabama's D will be the toughest all year-- Do you remember when the columnist in the advocate said that OSU's D would be the best we...
I guess I'll have to post this link again in response to the Bammers.
Great pics- did you take those yourself? It would have been hard to keep the camera on the play with all the excitement.
.... and except for the shooting, Mrs. Lincoln enjoyed the play.
Great play by JD at the end. Did he give up the TD pass earlier in the game, or was it someone else?
I was at the Aubarn game. They actually require that everyone (cheerleaders included) wear their teeth to the game.
Say it ain't so--- Southlink is gonna be a lawya! :sob:
No major damage- trees everywhere and fences down, but house is intact. Those on the beach or low lying areas are in bad shape though. Go to...
:thumb: :grin: :) Couldn't watch the AU or MSU games on TV. I don't really want to see the chickens, but could someone loan me their DVD of...
Remember 9/11/01 aftermath- LSU/Chickens rescheduled. Deja VooDoo?
Hadn't thought about that-- if OU spanks Texas again, they may go shopping.
Who will it be?
I hooked the s video out from my computer to the TV (demo-Victory for LSU) and the picture was very good. Ran it to the TIVO, ditto. I plan to...
Simple: Alley had a few fumbles last year that really stood out. I think Saban made Alley even carry a ball around with him. Saban was afraid...