Is speaking up too:lol: :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
Isn't he the one who pictched the first time LSU played USM?
I hope you are right, LSU won the first time they played USM, so maybe they will do it again. :tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas:
Yeah, drink one for me:lol:
Since some people here feel threatened by UNO, maybe we should pull for Texas Southern to beat UNO. That way LSU wouldn't hafta worry about them....
I was at the casino in Natchez, Mississippi watching the game. I was all by myself watching it in the bar upstairs and then two really older...
Your daughter is certainly more important, just make sure she gets well.
I can't find it in my area OT, so I am gonna hafta listen to it on the radio. :geauxtige:tigbas::geauxtige:tigbas::geauxtige
I am working on that Okie, I have taught the littlest ones to say :geaux:, it is so sweet the way that they say it. And then after they say it I...
Thanks for sharing that, now I am ready for Friday :tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas::tigbas:
Yeah, me too Okie, and I gotta work on Friday too. I reckon the kids at day care are gonna hafta listen to the baseball game with me.:lol:
I think so too Okie:lol: I would be siked out if I saw a college baseball team wearing pink cheerleader outfits.:lol:
That is funny Shane
Yeah, you shoulda:lol::yelwink2:
Thanks for being my friend too
Can someone post a picture of Salty's trailer? I don't know if I have ever seen a picture of it.
I agree, two of the best Auburn fans I know here Yep That is funny That is funny too
I am sorry, it is a.m.
I think I might try and call my neighbor and see if she wants to go. Even if I can't get tickets, we could go to the meet and greet and drink and...