Yep...that pretty much sums up the left.
Thank God the majority of Americans do not agree with you. How, as an American citizen, can you be okay with giving up any protected freedom?...
And your opinion of the BofA shareholders being racked over the coals by the federal government would be...?
President Obama showed his hand this week when The New York Times wrote that he is considering converting the stock the government owns in our...
:hihi: Next!
Not when unnamed sources are your only source. No journalist worth a damn would write an article with so many unnamed sources, or claim to have...
Or just the fear of "harsh" interrogation techniques reinforced by controlled physical discomfort. We can't feed them jello, then threaten to...
Did you learn that from some movie, or are you professionally trained to extract information from someone? What we do comes nowhere even...
I would attack your source...the la times...but it's way to easy to just attack the substance of the article. 99% of the authors claims come from...
Ladies and gentlemen...we now have a win streak started!
Where is the link for the article? It does not prove your point and the only named "source" does not say that some are just farmers. The farmer...
You should go over there and do everything you can to show them your support. WE damn evil Americans! We should all pay for what we have done to...
I never said they were all terrorist. I said that you have no way of knowing who should, or should not, be held. Where is the link for the...
I'm sure SabanFan would have at least required it to be his wife. If it had been Hillary, instead of interns, I would have had no problem with...
I would bet a years pay he will not be reelected. I have a family member high in the state republican party...Vitter has no support for reelection.
Says who? What kind of mistakes?
He is in his first term...and last term.
What "authority" do you have to dispute that they should be held? MSNBC and CNN says it, so it must be true?
Which is why Vitter will not be reelected. It doesn't matter if what he says is true...he's tainted now.
You're being naive.