No attack = Damn good job in the national defense category...especially with half the world gunning for us.
Thanks for the link MikeD. I wish I could have been there to see Jones pitch in person! Something tells me I'll get a chance to later in the season.
Wow. If you have a few minutes, scroll down and read the comments. The capital well is running dry and some economies will wither - Telegraph keep us safe from another attack? I'd say they did their job extremely well.
HSBC (Worlds largest financial institution based in London) recently committed $1 billion as well. The Money and Connections Behind Al...
Follow the freaking money people. Yet another tax to be paid by the "95%". From today's hearings... [MEDIA]
He wouldn't need to be a muslim to be helped by them. Not saying the islamic link is true...I'm still researching that before I decide.
Un-freaking-believable... This dumb ass move should help inspire thousands more insurgents. Let's just give them more bulletin board material...
Please note...I am all about protecting our enviroment. No one gets more pissed when they someone litter than I do. I cherish what I had growing...
Some views from the insignificant people red refuses to listen to... .: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.
Protect the lie at all cost... Washington, DC -- UK's Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret...
The president of the US having sex with an intern in the oval office has to be some type of breach of the public trust.
Watch out red...he knows where you are!
Details please. What evidence disproves this theory? I'm really just curious.
Actually it was our Department of Homeland Security Secretary - Janet Napolitano. [IMG]
Bullcrap red...each source is named. Some sources state opinions...but they use specific reports or individuals that support their opinion....
I found this very interesting. I'm sure some will call it typical conspiracy theorist garbage...but it's still interesting non-the-less....
Then we would have to board up all windows above the first story of buildings.
Sounds good to me. I wouldn't screw around your place. I'm willing to bet no one else would either.
I can't believe you just used Australia as an example. Criminals don't care about laws...any laws that restrict gun ownership only benefit...