15 per person 12" long
Started at dark and at 11 only had 3. Bout then the wind died and tide started good and they showed up stuck a limit by 1130. Big average too...
tried to go floundering but way to deep and muddy. Saw shrimp skipping though so figured trout were under em. In about an hour caught around 30...
Ha somehow I just ain't to worried about it. Bout to knock out another piece of it right now actually.
as far as the males cooking def nothing wrong with that. I cook a lot and dont really worry much what anyone thinks about it ha. Just think about...
Right at 2 gallons of berries to get 1.5 gallons of juice. 4 cups juice make 4-5 pints. Yea blackberries(these are actually mostly dewberries...
The wife made the actual pie. Kids picked the berries, I boiled em and squeezed em. Now the jelly I pretty much did all that except kids helped...
Yea this thing is ridiculously good. [IMG]
Did up the blackberry jelly this afternoon. Came out 28.5 pints. Picked another half gallon after that boiling them to juice now for the wife to...
Skillet grilled it's throat for lunch last weekend in a wine and butter sauce then cooked half of it last night for a few folks marinated in some...
saw the wind finally lay down tonight and couldn't stand it had to go get some wet feet even though I wasn't expecting much with the 10+ inches of...
Was hoping the wind would lay down some last night but wrong stiff 10-12 gusting to 15 but water was decently clear and got a small mess. Didnt...
Was sitting on the porch yesterday afternoon watching the kids run around the yard and field. I been watching the blackberries but they were...
Caught a few croakers and catfish for bait. She ate one of the croakers
might fish a cobia tournament Saturday so did a little scouting today. Didn't get to fish long it got real rough in a hurry but managed to find 1...
this is getting beyond ridiculous. going on 3 days of steady rain and the entire MS sound looks like a mudhole plus 15-20+ winds the next several...
So far this spring has to be the worst I can remember as far as the wind and big rains keeping the water nasty. things started off great catching...
its def better when its shaved
What is it exactly about the laws are discriminatory? To say its discriminatory bc it is causing more black peoples to go to jail is not...