That pass was a worse throw that JJ's and a damn FULLBACK made a catch but damn 5 star WRs cant didnt hear anything about that being a bad pass by Cam
Looked like a Block in the Back on that run
Danielson is a straight hater and will always be..fuk him
Damn RR you gotta catch dat sht he barely got off the ground with his vertical he could've gotten that...LSU WRs are to scared of getting hit or...
TT is to soft to be that Tall
dayum the WRs cant block
Definitely against any other team really
Great Pickup!
Both Quarterbacks played a good game...thought Ridley could've gotten the ball a little more also glad to see TT step up
Should Shep be given a chance at QB? I wish
WTF is Miles talkin about
Ridley, LSU Defense and the Tenn defensive players that stayed on the field deserve full credit for the victory. Jefferson's 83 yd TD run also...
Omg 12 players on the field thank you GOD
OMG!!!!! FIRE LESS MILES NOWWWWWWW OLE MISS ALREADY Wasting timeouts come back to kill us
Must be an Option
great job by Lee by throwing it away