I'm sure there are other places to purchase it, but you can order Community Coffee from their website. My wife would go nuts without it;...
If it were a humor class, it might get an A. :rofl: However, according to my calculations the author should have gotten no more than a 43%, so...
I have a 2006 Honda Accord and it's great. I also like the current body style Nissan Altimas. The new model Chevy Malibu is supposed to be nice,...
Herbie did say something to this effect near the end of the broadcast (when no one was watching, I'm sure).
Another remark that the PAC-10 will be winning the bowl championship cup because the PAC-10 won all their crappy bowl games. Also, petey might...
One of the bands (guessing Penn State) is playing Neck. Sounds pretty good, but they are playing it too fast.
Rose bowl committee also to consider making USC a permanent part of Rose Bowl after hearing Mushburger talk about their "annual appearance" in the...
Mushburger and herbie are creaming their pants.
Penn State penalties are coming at the worst times.
During one of the interviews they mentioned he has tourette's. It only shows up when he gets excited/nervous. While I enjoyed the stunts, the...
How do you line up that far offsides?
The lesticles are out.
Yankess out of nowhere reach an agreement in principle with Teixeira....
Well, officially only Peveto is leaving. So, as it currently stands, there is one co-defensive coordinator position open. That's about all we...
The old Days Inn and the Savoy to name a couple... I see these and other eyesores out the window every day from my office.
Don't tell Pod, but I just pulled snickerdoodles out of the oven... My wife bought a tub of snickerdoodle cookie dough. We made some last night...
I just have to say that I'm doing absolutely incredible so far. :wave: :rolleye33:
From Fox Sports: http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/pgStory?contentId=8928240&MSNHPHCP%3FGT1=39002#sport=COLLEGE%20FOOTBALL&photo=8924910 10: Chick...
Alton Brown's Turkey Derrick: http://www.altonbrown.com/pdfs/AB_turkey_derrick.pdf The plans to the turkey frying contraption Alton built on an...
I like Pregame as much as the next guy, but CST needs to stop playing the song every time they go to and come back from commercial.