What a 3! The lane was entirely wide open for that shot though...
If we can get some stops on D, we have a chance at this still. Edit: Just like that one...
The Deaf Dome is rockin' tonight! Nice shot by Garrett Temple.
Along the same lines, Chinese restaurants (mostly in malls) that claim to be cajun restaurants.
So I just downloaded an update to the Ustream app (the site the wire is streamed on), and they completely gimped it. Now you can only watch...
Yes! They're great in concert, even though it was only about 10 years ago when I saw them.
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=10168455 Not the best clip, but the only one I could find... I immediately...
Good list. My first thought was "where's Dan Marino?" but the list is for players who never played in a Super Bowl, not players who never won a...
I've never heard an AD say the things Alleva said in his open letters. Plus, he was complaining about the attendance at non-conference and...
Searching for words in the title works; however, the title on the iPhone is simply ' and if you try to access it all you get is a Communication...
Who's Harold?:hihi: To me, the whole display is sickening. You can disagree with the President, but these mob scenes and "clever" signs just...
Found a few videos and was able to watch the 9th inning of the Irvine game on June 18, 2008. Still wonder if the app supports password protected...
Despite your opinion of the events over the past 8 years, he still is the (now former) President of the United States. I don't see any problem...
Curious as to whether the wire will work with the new iPhone app. As long as I remember to, I'll try it out on Wednesday.
"What's the best job you can have in the world? It's being the weatherperson in San Diego, California. Doesn't get any better than that. You're...
I have one of these sitting in the back of my car right now waiting to be devoured. My personal favorite although Randazzo's and Gambino's are...
We're in Baton Rouge for a wedding this weekend, so we stopped by campus today to let my daughter see Mike, and I got a nice glimpse of the new...
1. Freddie Mercury - Queen 2. Robert Plant - Led Zeppelin 3. Elvis 4. Peter Cetera - Chicago 5. Axl Rose - GnR 6. Steve Walsh - Kansas 7. Eddie...
I never ate at that one, but I did eat at a Texas Roadhouse in Texas and it was decent. Don't go to the Logan's by the Mall of LA. It's terrible.